2: Kicking Imposter Syndrome to the Curb

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How do you overcome imposter syndrome? You know that voice on your shoulder telling you that you’re not good enough? It’s gotta go.

Today we’re talking about what imposter syndrome is, what it feels like, and how to kick it to the curb for good. I’m sharing some stories from both myself and others about times that we’ve faced imposter syndrome, but more importantly I’m sharing how YOU can overcome it.


In Today’s Episode We Discuss:

  • What imposter syndrome is and what it feels like

  • How to turn down that voice and question your doubts

  • Dealing with analysis paralysis

  • Why taking action creates clarity

  • What you can do when taking the next step feels scary

  • How to stop caring what other people think

  • Three ways to fight imposter syndrome

  • Embracing an abundance mindset


It’s tough. I get it. We’re used to giving in to that voice that says we’re not enough. But it’s time for you to say no. To accept your own worth. To stand up when that voice tells you to sit down. Speak up when it tells you to be quiet. And you’re going to be free to reach the goals you’ve only dreamed about! 

So, what is your idea that is swirling around waiting to be executed? Do you need some inspiration? Some motivation? A cheerleader? Come join our free community on Facebook: Women in Real Estate: Master Your Marketing. We can't wait to cheer you on. 

And don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts to receive the Kindle version of Marie Forleo’s Everything Is Figureoutable.  Once you leave your review DM me on Instagram and let me know, I will send you a FREE copy!


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